
张天全新单曲《Carousel》上线 受邀成为好莱坞电影全球推广曲




5月24日,“砂糖嗓”张天的全新个人单曲《Carousel》上线,这首融合了R&B 和Jazz曲风的歌曲,以迷幻、磅礴的气势演绎了一个反常规的爱情故事,彰显了女性在爱情、生活中的坚强与勇气。同时这首歌还是好莱坞灾难大片《Adrift》的全球宣传推广曲。

Carousel, the new single of “Sugar Voice” singer Tien Chong has been released on May 24th. This new song featuring both R&B and Jazz depicts a reverse lovestory in which the girl shows power and courage in her relationship and life. Moreover, this single has been selected as the Global Promotion Song for the Hollywood Catastrophe MovieAdrift.

张天全新单曲《Carousel》上线 受邀成为好莱坞电影全球推广曲

张天全新单曲《Carousel》上线 受邀成为好莱坞电影全球推广曲


At the beginning of 2018, a girl named Tien Chong debuted on the stage of Singer, a TV singing show in China. She got everyone impressed by her first song. Since then every time she performed, Tien has been showingto the public that there is a newrising momentum that will bring a different trend tothe Mandarin music. Before Tien, Jazz, Funk and Flamenco were just niche music genres in China. People tended to expect high-pitched and bright voices of female singers. However, Tien changed such stereotype.

张天全新单曲《Carousel》上线 受邀成为好莱坞电影全球推广曲


Tien has a rich, deep voice with throaty sexiness. When you listen to her song, you might feel yourself surrounded by a mixed aroma of tobacco and coffeeat a midnight cafe. Her deep and psychedelic voice will get you obsessed. However, Tien will never cater to the audience by singing easy songs. She has been trying and making steady moves to touch audience by conveying different feelings in each of her song. Although there are different opinions on her performance, we still can see her efforts and serious attitudes to music as well as her respect to the audience.

张天全新单曲《Carousel》上线 受邀成为好莱坞电影全球推广曲

如今,我们终于等到了《Carousel》:一首为她量身打造,能百分百展示她嗓音与风格的歌曲。这首歌充满了现代暗系 R&B风,同时混合了新古典爵士,以磅礴的气势讲述了一个反常规的爱情童话故事:不同于常见的英雄救美,而是美救英雄。

Finally, Carouselcame online—a song matches her so much thatit will entirely show her voice and style. This song is aboutmodern dark R&Bmixed with a retro jazz swing, describing a reverse fairy tale—instead of the man saving the woman, the woman saves the man.

张天全新单曲《Carousel》上线 受邀成为好莱坞电影全球推广曲


Carousel perfectly matches Tien’s voice and style. Tien alsorepresents her flawless performance in this song. She sets a fantastic tone at the beginning of the song, with somewhat ups and downs in the melody and rhythm, which looks like being on a carousel, you got slightly drunk feeling both the real and the fantasy.Tien sings the chorus part in a powerful way showing women’s courage in love and life.

张天全新单曲《Carousel》上线 受邀成为好莱坞电影全球推广曲


Carousel has also been selected as the Global Promotional Song for the Hollywood Catastrophe Movie Adrift. The film is adapted from the 1983 pacific hurricane disaster, one of the ten real catastrophes in North America. It describes that the hero and heroine, two sailing lovers, encountered the strongest hurricane when crossing the Pacific Ocean. Encouraged by the man, the woman repaired the broken sailing boat by herself and found food to save hunger. Eventually the extreme condition spurred her courage for surviving and she went through the difficultytogether with the man.

张天全新单曲《Carousel》上线 受邀成为好莱坞电影全球推广曲


The girl power Tien shows in the song greatly matches the perseverance and struggling spirit of the heroine showed during the catastrophe in the film. Moreover, the film side values Tien’s international style of voice very much so they chose Carousel as the movie’s global promotional song.The organizer invited Tien as the Global Promotional Song Ambassador to attend the movie premier on May 23rd local time. Tien had friendly chats with the main cast of the movie and also shared with the media her personal feelings of singing the promotion song as the Global Promotional Ambassador.

张天全新单曲《Carousel》上线 受邀成为好莱坞电影全球推广曲


Tien loves challenge and will always bring us surprise.This is Tien, a singer who always brings you brand new music. Carousel has been released.What’s more, Tien’s debut solo albumwill be on sale in June. Let’s see what changes this voice will bring to the mandarin music.

张天全新单曲《Carousel》上线 受邀成为好莱坞电影全球推广曲


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