
【零起点英语】第221讲:Be a Vegetarian 吃素的好处




For centuries, men and women have been looking for the right diet. What is the right diet? That question has yet to be answered, but many people are choosing to go vegetarian. This trend is sweeping across the world and has changed diets everywhere. Studies have shown that a vegetarian diet can have many health benefits. The most incredible benefit is that vegetarians outlive other people by about six years. Vegetarians also have fewer colds and are 35% less likely to die from a heart attack. Many people feel that they are young and that they have time later in life to eat the correct foods, but the fact is that the sooner you start, the better off you will be.

几世纪以来,男人和女人都一直在寻找正确的饮食之道。什么是正确的饮食呢?该问题尚未有答案,不过有许多人正选择吃素。这种趋势正席卷全世界并使各地的饮食因而改变。研究显示素食对健康有诸多益处。最令人难以置信的好处便是素食者比其他人大约多活 6 年。素食者也比其他人较少罹患感冒,死于心脏病发作的机率也比别人低35%。许多人认为他们还年轻,想吃正确的食物还来日方长,但事实上是你越早开始,你的境况就会越好。

Besides the benefits to your health, there is also the question of cruelty to animals. Most people could never imagine having their pets for lunch, yet each year 7 billion farm animals are killed for their flesh. There are many reasons why people change their diet - from health to fashion. But in the final analysis, you should do what you feel is right for you.



1. 介绍 ''have yet to +  原形动词''的意思及用法:

have yet to+V 迄今尚未……

= have not+过去分词+yet

Two weeks have passed, but I have yet to solve the problem.

= Two weeks have passed, but I haven't solved the problem yet.


John promised to be here at 10 AM. It's already 11 AM, and he has yet to show up.

= John promised to be here at 10 AM. It's already 11 AM, and he hasn't shown up yet.

约翰答应要在上午 10  点到这里。现在都已 11  点了,而他连一个影子都还


2. 本课第一段第三句即使用了上列结构:

That question has yet to be answered, but...

= That question hasn't been answered yet, but...


3. out 可与名词或不及物动词组成及物动词,表 ''在……方面胜过''。常用的 此类动词有下列几个:

outdistance vt.(在距离方面胜过),实际译成''超过''  或''比……优异'' outlive vt.(在存活方面胜过),实际译成''活得比……久''

outwit  vt.(智力上)超过,比……机智

outnumber vt.(数量上)多过

outweigh vt.(在重量上胜过),实际译成''比……重要'' outshine    vt.(在发光方面胜过),实际译成''比……出风头''  或


outsell  vt.(在贩售方面胜过),实际译成''卖得比……好''


You may outwit and outdistance me in many aspects, but I'm sure I'll outliveyou.


4. 本课第一段第六句即使用了及物动词 outlive:

The most incredible benefit is that vegetarians outlive other people by about six years.


了解上述解释后,我们也可用outnumber造出下列的句子:In our class, girlsoutnumber boys. 我们班上的女同学多于男同学。

5. 介绍上列本课第一段第六句句尾介词 by的用法:此处 by  表''以……之差距''。请参看下例:

I'm older than Peter by two years. In other words, he is younger than I / me bytwo years.


Mr.Lin outlived(survived) his wife by five years.


We defeated the team by two points.


The little child escaped the car accident by a narrow margin / by the skin of his teeth.



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