
Buzz Words | 热词放送:“撒泼式维权”,落户限制,近视治愈





A video showing a Chinese woman protesting at a Mercedes Benz dealership in Xi’an went viral recently. She bought a Mercedes Benz, but the engine was found to have an oil leak before she drove it out of the shop. The dealer only promised to replace the engine with a new one. She then sat on the hood of the car complaining to the dealer. Later, Daimler, the company that owns Mercedes Benz, said that it had suspended this dealership’s sales franchise and reached an agreement with the customer. The way that this woman stood up for her rights has been described by media outlets as an “action art protest”.

马上学:Action art表示“行为艺术”,在这里意译为“撒泼式”。“维权”可以说safeguard legal rights。


residency curb

Buzz Words | 热词放送:“撒泼式维权”,落户限制,近视治愈


China will relax residency curbs to increase city populations, according to the website of the National Development and Reform Commission. It’s planned that cities with a population under 3 million should remove all limits on hukou – household registration. Meanwhile, cities with populations of between 3 and 5 million should relax restrictions on new migrants.

马上学:Curb表示“控制,限制”,如put a curb on the bad temper/spending habits (控制坏脾气/大手大脚的习惯),近义词有restriction和limit。


myopia cure

Buzz Words | 热词放送:“撒泼式维权”,落户限制,近视治愈

4月份,教育部等六部门联合发文,要求禁止商家使用 “恢复”及“近视治愈”等表述误导近视儿童青少年和家长。通知指出,在目前医疗技术条件下,近视不能治愈。

A notice released by the Ministry of Education and five other national-level departments in April bans businesses from using words such as “recovery” and “myopia cure”, which mislead nearsighted children and their parents. Given current medical technology, myopia cannot be cured, according to the notice.


以上内容英文部分来自《21世纪学生英文报》高二 749期

本文英文音频由我报外籍编辑Joe Willets 朗读

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